Sunday, February 11, 2007

"For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh."

Recently, we had the honor and privilege of celebrating AB's parents' 50th anniversary (see more photos at As the years go by, too often marriages fall - physically to death or spiritually to divorce. So it was a true celebration to rejoice in a marriage that has stood the test of time. As their pastor said, "We seem to perform five marriages a week, but rarely get to see these milestones reached." We were particularly glad that our children were able to witness this occasion, to see the fruit of a lifetime commitment lived out before a faithful God. As we reflected with our children on the sacrifices and blessings of a godly marriage, we were reminded that in the "If you're not having fun then you're not doing the right thing" generation, the old saying "It is necessary to do right; it is not necessary to be happy" should still hold true. The beauty of a God-honoring marriage is that as we strive to persevere, to live out God's design, we are truly happy in ways that only He can provide.

Thank you, George & Eunice, for not giving in or giving up. You are both examples and blessings to your children and grandchildren. Now PLEASE take good care of each other so that we can do it again for your 75th.....

Upon returning home to Texas, we became fairly introspective. The entire event served as a catalyst for us to examine our lives as a family, to ask ourselves what sort of legacy we will leave one day. Are the goals we have set for ourselves, our children, our family well-defined? Do we have a clear "end game" in sight to focus on, and milestones and markers to motivate us? Are those goals man-centered or God-centered? What kind of multi-generational faithfulness will be exibited by the generations to come if we are faithful in the time we are given? Hmmmmm. We must stay focused, because all of us will not live to celebrate a 50 year wedding anniversary, or even a 50th birthday. Last week we received the terrible news that AB's instructor pilot from the maintenance test pilot course had been shot down in his Apache in Iraq, leaving behind a wife and two children. We take comfort in Psalm 139:16 "And in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them". And even as we grieve for their family, we rejoice and are thankful for the love and life we share with our family and friends.
Love from the Farmhouse. Thanks for stopping by...